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Follow the audio teachings and music of Rav Daniel Kohn. Over the past 25 years, as a Rabbi, Rosh Yeshiva and spiritual guide, he has taught thousands of students, uniquely combining the world of Torah learning, Jewish mysticism and deep psychological insight, and has culled and developed effective techniques for personal and spiritual renewal. [perhaps put this as a "read more" tab] Rav Daniel’s own spiritual path took him from university studies to many years of yeshiva learning with some of Israel’s greatest rabbis and to ordination by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and Rav Zalman Nechmia Goldberg sh’litah and the "crown of wisdom" approbation from Rav Avraham Farbshtien z”l, the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Chevron in Jerusalem. Deeply rooted in Talmud and halacha, Rav Daniel also draws his innovative insights from his profound knowledge of Maharal, Kabbala and Chassidut, especially the teachings of the first Lubavitcher Rebbe and his student Rav Aaron Halevi.

Mar 25, 2022

Series: Be'erot, Love & Relationship with God.  

Synopsis:  How Yaakov's aspect of Tiferet is the beauty that results from the connecting back of an individual element of the world to its source.


Episode Transcript:


The Chachamim tell about Yaakov Avinu that he was the most beautiful of the avot. The beauty of...

Mar 16, 2022

Series: Be'erot, Love & Relationship with God.


Synopsis:  The relationship of Avraham and Yitzchak as out-breath to in-breath. This reliability becomes revealed in Yosef.


Episode Transcript:


Something important to me that we touched was the wisdom of the out-breath that we talked about and how that was expressed...

Mar 15, 2022

Our weekly class on the Maharal's Netiv HaTorah is currently delving into the nature of love of Torah. This class, given erev Purim, opened a new understanding in Purim's contribution to consciousness, love and the creative powers we're invited to express.

Mar 11, 2022

Series: Be'erot, Love & Relationship with God.


Synopsis:  Avram's transition into Avraham and the emergence of Yitzhak and David, as a process of oscillation between personal fulfillment and the loss of self into the seamless unity of all.


Episode Transcript:


What I want to share with you is the first meeting of...

Mar 8, 2022

Series: Be'erot, Love & Relationship with God.


Synopsis:  Love becomes manifest in separation, but love is only possible in the rootedness of oneness.


Episode Transcript:


Last time we explored Avraham Avinu's midah of anavah and his ability to speak to G-d as one who is afar v'efer,  one who is in the physical...